By using the pricing per period setup model, it is possible to apply changes to your listings' daily rate based on the moment the guest makes the reservation in relation to their arrival date.

Learning the most common actions

The most common actions on price changes are the last minute and in advance reservations, and in the chart below there are more details about each action:

Example in real life
Discounts for reservations in advanceIt consists of changing the price for guests who book far in advance.
Remember that when configuring this action, it is important to ensure that this is in accordance with your availability period policy!
I want to give 15% discount for guests who book for between 90 and 120 days from today, as I guarantee future reservations to captivate the partnership with my owners.
Discounts for last minute reservationsIt consists of changing the price for guests who book for dates very close to the arrival date of the reservation.
Remember that when configuring this action, it is important to ensure that this is in accordance with your prevention policy for last minute reservations!
I want to give 20% discount for guests who book the listings 3 days or less before their arrival date, so I avoid gaps in my stays on my calendar and I take full advantage from my operational team.
In the pricing per period setup model, it is possible not only to give discounts but also to apply increase in the values, if you want.

How to configure the actions in the rate regions?

Access the [Catalog > Price Rules] menu, select a Rate Region on the left side of the screen and click on + Period, choose the Add Dynamic Price Rule option, fill out the information and save your changes:

Creating the Rule
Configuring the Rule
By clicking on + Period, select the highlighted option to start creating your rule.On your panel, set up the period of the action, the discount or increase of the prices and remember to active it and save the changes!
Remember that it is also possible to custom dynamic pricing rules per listingRead more.

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