Technical tasks can be activated or deactivated on the App Center of your system, on [App Center > Listings Management > Technical tasks].

To create a technical task, follow the steps below:

  1. Click on the [+] green button on the top menu of your system;
  2. Click on the [New task] option;
  3. Choose the [Technical] option; 
  4. Fill out the information and save the changes.

While filling out the fields, be sure to pay attention to these specific ones:

  • Listing entrance authorization: in the field [Set location] there is a section with options about the guest's entry. This field allows you to have more control over the authorization of access to the listing.
  • Deadlines for Task Execution: In the [Set a time] field, you can set a deadline for the task. Use the [Timeframe] option for tasks that need to be completed on the same day. For tasks that require more time, choose either [Period of Days] or [Due Date]. These options also allow you to block the listing while the task is being executed.

After creating tasks, they will be allocated in your management panels and you can assign the person responsible for the pending task.

If you're creating a task for someone else or for a location other than your listings, you can select the [Other] task type.