There are two ways to register prices on the prices per night model and the prices per period model.

Check the difference between them in the table below:

Prices per Night Model
Prices per Period Model
In which Stays plans does the feature appear?Available on all plans.Available starting from the Pro plan.
When is the use indicated?Ideal for businesses with few listings that change the daily rates on a weekly basis.Ideal for businesses with a high number of products in which daily rates follow a pattern.
Through which screen do I register the daily rates?You can register from the [Calendar List Screen] menu, in a model similar to that of sales channels.From the price rules registered in the listings.
Listing's Page > Finance tab > Pricing Setup.
What is the main advantage of the model?You will register your prices in less steps and the process is similar to what you already do on sales channels.You have more features of batch changes in addition to being able to configure different structures of rate plans.
What is the biggest difficulty of the model?The registration is done individually per listing, which can become repetitive at times.The registration process has many steps and more knowledge is needed to operate the model.
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