If you have a variety of listings in your portfolio and want to develop a segmented communication in the routine for owners and your guests, you will be able to use the "listings group" feature.

In this feature, a listing can only belong to a single customized communication group!

Feature activation

To activate the email templates editing area, the adjustment can be made according to the steps below:

  1. Access the [Catalog > Groups] menu;
  2. Create a group through the green button or select an existing group;
  3. Fill out the information as instructed in the screen;
  4. In the [Function] field, select the [Communication with Guest] option;
  5. Choose the listings of the group;
  6. Save the changes at the top of the screen.

Content editing

After enabling your communication groups, to edit the emails you must follow the steps below:

  1. Access the [Catalog > Email templates] menu;
  2. Select the desired email template;
  3. Make the desired changes in the editing section;
  4. Save the changes at the upper right side of the screen.
The section name will be what you put in the [Group title] field when configuring the feature.
In addition, there is a text indication that it is a "template per listing".

For a better experience using the feature, see also the email triggering hierarchy and the list of email templates available on Stays.

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