When you start using Stays.net owner accountability, you will be in the adaptation phase and when migrating from your old method to ours, it is possible that it is not necessary to show the owners the reservations already forwarded outside of Stays.

This is a recurring question from users in initiation, but it is possible to set in each listing the initial date of accountability.

To set the start date of accountability per listing to your owners, follow the steps below:

  1. Access the listing page;
  2. Go to the [Finance] tab and find the [Contract Configuration] section;
  3. In the [Beginning of Accountability to Owners] field, mark your preferences;
  4. Save the changes made.
The [to X days ago] option is for users who want to keep the owners panel only with information regarding the most recent cycles.

Now that you already know about how to stipulate the start date of listings accountability, how about checking other related matters?