Promotional codes - or discount coupons - are features to offer additional discounts to the customer. Usually the main uses are to promote a new product or brand on a large scale, to boost sales for some periods of the year or to make guests loyal to your brand.

How to create a promotional code?

Access the [Offers & Promotions > Promotion Codes] screen of your system. See details.

How to send the code to guests?

You can send it by social network, WhatsApp or email campaigns. For campaigns, it is recommended to segment your audience. See details.

How do guests apply the code on the website?

The guest must enter the code into a field during the reservation process on the website. The amount will be changed automatically, before starting payment and confirming the reservation. See details.

How to monitor the use of promotional codes?

You have an indicator on how many times the code has been applied. To track it, go to the [Offers & Promotions > Promotional Codes] menu. See details.

If you prefer, watch the video about promotional codes.