Check-in and checkout tasks can be activated or deactivated on the App Center of your system, on [App Center > Listings Management > Check-in and checkout tasks].

Check below the most frequently asked questions about managing arrivals and departures through

Is it possible to set tasks to be created automatically?Yes, it is. The tasks will be created only automatically. If you have products that are not managed by your business, it is possible to disable the automation by each listing!SEE DETAILS
How to set up the inspection items?When registering the inventory of your listings, it is possible to mark the items that must be inspected. Also, default fields will be displayed, such as "quantity of keys" and "painting condition", for example. SEE DETAILS
Is it mandatory to fill in all the items during an inspection?For the default fields such as "quantity of keys" and "painting condition", yes, it is. However, regarding the inventory items, it is possible to leave an option to [Skip Inspection] available to your collaborators, during the execution of the task.SEE DETAILS
How to include instructions about a specific check-in and checkout (e.g. bringing duvets)?You can do this from the reservation page of the arrival or departure in question.
What about recurring instructions, is it possible (e.g. handing over keys to the concierge)?Yes, it is. In this case, you must include the information in the [Auxiliaries > Cleaning & Maintenance] tab of the listing.SEE DETAILS
How to solve the created tasks?You can do it through the task list (Pro plan tool) or through [Task Dashboards > In/Out Dashboard].SEE DETAILS
How to access the history of these activities?All the tasks created will be kept on the [All Tasks] screen. However, for quick consultations about what was inspected at the check-in and checkout moment, the best way is the reports on the reservation page.SEE DETAILS