The iCal connection between Stays and Airbnb is the same as the other channels. Therefore, to make the most of the integration features, we recommend you to use our content connection with Airbnb.

How to import the Airbnb calendar to Stays

Find the iCal link of your Airbnb listing in the channel's portal and apply it on your listing's page on Stays. To do that, access [Distribution > iCal > Imported iCal Calendars]. Choose a reference name, paste the Airbnb iCal link and click on the [+iCal Link] button.

Note: by doing that, your Stays calendar will get all the registered events on the Airbnb calendar, such as reservations and blocks. These registrations will arrive as blocks on the system. Learn more.

How to export Stays calendar to Airbnb

On the same page as the previous item, on [iCal link of this listing], copy the link and paste it on your Airbnb listing. Follow Airbnb instructions. From that, your listing will be connected between two platforms, and you'll get Airbnb Calendar information every 30 minutes.