"Vertical rate groups" is a set of listings at the same address that has a specific standard of structure and services in the same address, making a category of listings.  In this case, the units will be advertised as hotel rooms, and not individually.

In this example of Booking, Standard Double Room represents a set of listings. The guest only chooses the category during the reservation process.

Check out the most frequently asked questions:

Who can use this feature?

Hotels, inns or seasonal listings that have several units at the same address and with the same standard of services.

What are the advantages of this feature?

The main one is the flexibility of the listing calendar. See all the advantages.

Which sales channels are compatible with this feature?

Airbnb, Booking, Expedia and Vrbo. If you already have listings active on your channels and want to use this model, you may need to change some settings on your channels.

How to do this with identical listings?

You must use the [Extend availability] option - you just must have a base content listing and clone several units.

How to do this with similar listings?

Listings must be created and at the same address [Location with Multiple Listings]. Choose the "Group" option, set the master listing and the other components of the group. It's important that listings have the same standard of service.