In addition to the reservation holder, you can add information about the other members of the Reservation.

This helps in the internal control of your business, besides providing more contacts for email marketing actions.

To register all the members of the Reservations, follow the steps below:

  1. Access the reservation page;
  2. Find the gray area with the number of guests of the Reservation;
  3. Click on the [+Add guest] button to open the interface;
  4. Fill the information asked on the screen;
    Important: The only required field is the Name, the others can be left blank.
  5. Click on [Save]

It is important to mention that the Reservations imported via Channel Manager arrive with the total number of guests, but only with the name of the holder, so to capture more information about guests of the reservation you can use the Guest Registration at the time of check-in or encourage the completion of the documentations via the Reservation Page of your website.

How to print Guest Registration?