When accessing your listing in the [Auxiliaries > Cleaning & Maintenance] menu, you will have available the [Cleaning and Maintenance Settings] section, where it is possible to indicate the standard time required to make the tasks of the operational routines.

See below what information can be configured:

Cleaning TimeYou can indicate, in minutes, the average time spent to clean the listing.
Time Length of InspectionIt is also possible to indicate, in minutes, the average time spent to make the inspection of arrivals and departures from the listing.
Travel TimeIn this field, you can enter the necessary time to the travel (round trip) between the company's headquarters and the listing.

Insert only the time spent in the going when configuring the time travel, because the system will duplicate this period, considering both the going and the returning.
Example: if the required travel time to the listing is 30 minutes, enter this value in the field. The system will apply the total time of 1h (30min to go + 30min to return) in the operational tasks.

These settings will be important to guide your operational team. In the system, they will be available in the tasks pages and also in the dashboards, changing the task size according to the configured duration time.

Task Page

Operational Dashboard  

Now that you already know how to define the standard duration of the operational tasks, how about checking out more related subjects?