To remove payment posts created improperly on your [Payable Accounts] screen, follow the instructions below:

  1. Access the [Finance > Payable Accounts] menu;
  2. Filter the desired period;
  3. Find the post and click on [details];
  4. Click on [Delete].

Notice that in the image above that the [Paid] box is unchecked, that is, it is an unaudited post, therefore, the exclusion is more simple.

For posts where there has already been an audit, indicated with the [Paid] status in the green color of your report in the [Payable Accounts] screen, you must, first, cancel the post confirmation.

Steps to remove confirmed payments
Cancel the payment confirmationBy clicking on [details], next to the transaction in question, uncheck the [Paid] box and click on [Save].
You will notice that the transaction status will be changed to [Pending].
Delete the transactionAfter having done the step above, just click on [details] again and click on [Delete] to finish the payment exclusion.

Now that you already know how to remove payments transactions, how about checking out more related subjects?