Chart of Accounts

Learn how to set up your chart of accounts on and how to generate indicators on a specific accounting position!

FAQ | What is chart of accounts?
Chart of accounts is an important tool aimed at users who want to obtain an overview of the areas that generate the most costs in the business.  By group...
Fri, 15 Sep, 2023 at 9:53 AM
How can I add items in the Chart of Accounts?
To set up your Chart of Accounts just go to [Finance > Auxiliaries > Chart of Accounts]. When you get to the screen you will have the following com...
Wed, 25 May, 2022 at 2:07 PM
What to register in an accounting item?
Check the items that must be filled out when you register an account on the Chart of Accounts Account ID It is the numerical identifier of your registere...
Fri, 19 Jul, 2024 at 10:04 AM
How to analyze the history of an accounting item?
To check the record history of an accounting item in your financial routine, follow the steps below: Access the [Finance > Accounts Statements] menu;...
Tue, 24 May, 2022 at 12:16 PM
How to generate indicators for the vertical analysis of the chart of accounts?
The [Accounting Balance] screen provides the results of each accounting position over a given period. In addition to counting on the final result, it is a...
Wed, 6 Jul, 2022 at 3:42 PM
Where to set the accounting item for receiving reservations?
Before proceeding with the reading of this article, it is necessary that you have already done the following action on your Registration of y...
Wed, 25 May, 2022 at 5:52 PM
How to relate the items of a reservation to the chart of accounts?
A reservation counts on several items to form the total amount of the reservation and, therefore, there are some components where it is necessar...
Tue, 24 Oct, 2023 at 3:58 PM