This tool is intended for users who are searching for a reservation but do not know information such as the guest's name or the reservation locator.

The most common use of this search is to generate reservation reports for a certain period or internal audits.

To generate a list of reservations based on a search, follow the steps below:

  1. Access the [Reservation Center > Find Reservation] menu;
  2. Select the desired numbers in the filters on the left side;
  3. If you want more filters, click on [Add/Hide Filters];
  4. At the end of the criteria selection, click on [Update] to generate the results.

After generating your results, you will have some statistical indicators at the bottom of the screen:

And, on the upper right side, the option to export the screen data to an Excel spreadsheet or open a table on the screen to check information and print the data.

Check out the items below and, if that is what you are searching for, click on the link for more instructions:
Open payment reservation list
Total nights booked for a given period