To issue numbered Invoices from your, just follow the steps below:

  1. Access [Settings > General Settings] menu;
  2. Find the [Accounting > Invoice Numbering] section;
  3. Click on the [Enabled] box;
  4. Select the model you want;
  5. Save the changes.

Regarding the numbering models, there are two options:

Invoice number relating to your businessThe numbering is generated based on all your issued invoices, that is, the numbering follows a general sequence.
On this model, you must put the prefix - that can be the year for example -, the initial numbering to start the counting and the suffix, that would be the number relating to your guest.
Example: 2019-3214.01
Invoice number relating to the guest The numbering is generated individually, based on the Reservation ID.
[prefix].[YYYY][MM].[Reserve ID][restarting number]-[version]
In addition, there is numbering of copies, if you have issued more than one copy of the same document.
In this case, the Invoice is formed by prefix + year+ month + Reservation ID + issuing number+ version.
Example: STAYS.201909.KA01F.001-03

After setting the model you want, ask our Design team via the addition of this number in your Invoices.

Now that you already know how to activate the numbering in invoices, how about checking out more related subjects?