When processing reservation charges from external channels like Booking and Expedia, it may be necessary to request the guest's credit card data. After that, the establishment can make the charge, a process known as typed sales.

This guide will help you find and control this data.

What you will find in this article:

How to view card data

To view card data on the Stays reservation page:

  1. Access the reservation page;
  2. Find the commercial partner section;
  3. Click on [Credit card details] to view the card information.
Note: In the case of Booking reservations, you can view the data a maximum of 2 times, and the data will be available for a limited period after the reservation is created.

How to control access to card data

If you have the Administrator Plan, you can manage access permissions for your team members.

  1. Access the menu [Users and Guests > Users];
  2. Find the user and click on the [Account > Permissions] tab;
  3. Set access on [Will this user be able to view the guest credit card details?];

Additionally, viewing card data will be recorded in the activity history, helping to control who accessed the information.

Is there another way to charge?

Yes, if you use payment channels compatible with tokenization, the card data is already automatically encrypted when importing the reservation. With this, just follow the keyed entry process:

  1. Click on [+transaction] in the lower right corner;
  2. Select [Credit Card];
  3. Guests will already have their card data tokenized, and in this case, just proceed with the keyed entry process.
Tokenization is compatible with Cielo and Pagar.me. To configure which channel will be responsible for tokenization, go to [Settings > General Settings > Accounting] and choose the desired channel.