To add cookies alert to your website, you should follow the path below:

  1. Access the [Website & Template Manager > Website Builder] menu;
  2. Access [sites > Homepage];
  3. Click on the green [Add section] button;
  4. In the list of sections, select the [MKT- Cookies alert] option;
  5. Save the changes made at the top right side of the page.

After the insertion of the cookies alert section, you must configure the content of the alert.

To do this, just click on the section name and put the texts in all the active languages of your, in addition to being able to change the color of the background, buttons and other graphic aspects:

The end result of the action is a section at the bottom of your main page where the user will be able to see your policy and click on a button to accept the terms, for example:

Now that you know about cookies alert on your website, how about configuring your terms and conditions?